Structural changes of groups of the national economy entities in the Regon register in Pomorskie Voivodship, 2020
The publications data regarding the number and structure of the national economy entities entered in the National Official Business Register (REGON) at the end of 2020, against the respective data as of the end of 2019.
Statistical bulletin of Pomorskie Voivodship – IV quarter 2020
Basic indicators covering socioeconomic situation of the voivodship, among others: labour market and earnings, prices, finance, agriculture, industry and construction, trade, maritime economy and public safety.
Statistical Yearbook of Pomorskie Voivodship 2020
The publication contains a rich set of information describing the living standard of the populatiom and the economy of the Voivodship. Detailed statistical data are grouped into 22 thematic chapters. Two review tables complement the publication, containing the most important data on the Voivodship in 2000, 2010, 2015 and 2019 and selected information about the Voivodship against the countrywide background in 2019. The statistical material was supplemented with general notes explaining the terminology, methodology and scope of information.
Statistical bulletin of Pomorskie Voivodship – III quarter 2020
Basic indicators covering socioeconomic situation of the voivodship, among others: labour market and earnings, prices, finance, agriculture, industry and construction, trade, maritime economy and public safety.
Labour market in Pomorskie Voivodship in 2019
The volume consists of executive summary, general and methodological notes, as well as statistical tables, maps and charts. The analytical part includes a description of the most important issues characterising the situation on the labour market in Pomorskie Voivodship. The notes present the survey methods, source and scope of data, and basic definitions. Graphic presentations complement the study. Tables, which constitute its substantial part, contain selected information in comparison with the years 2018 and 2019 and by sex, place of residence, ownership sectors and forms, PKD 2007 sections, and occupational groups. For more detailed characteristics of the phenomena concerning labour market in Pomorskie Voivodship, selected data have been broken down by subregions, powiats and gminas.
Pomorskie Voivodship in figures 2020
The folder presents basic statistical information regarding social-economic situation of Pomorskie Voivodship in 2020, among others data about environmental protection, population, labour market, wages and salaries, households, dwellings, education, health care, culture, tourism, agriculture, industry, construction, maritime economy, transport, trade, finances and entities of the national economy.
Statistical Bulletin of Pomorskie Voivodship - 2nd quarter of 2020
Basic indicators covering socioeconomic situation of the voivodship, among others: labour market and earnings, prices, finance, agriculture, industry and construction, trade, maritime economy and public safety.
Demographic situation of Pomorskie Voivodship in 2019
The publication consists of an analysis of size and structure, vital statistics and migrations of the Voivodship’s population presented against a background of nationwide indicators and in comparison with other voivodships and powiats of Pomorskie Voivodship.
Statistical Bulletin of Pomorskie Voivodship - I quarter 2020
Basic indicators covering socioeconomic situation of the voivodship, among others: labour market and earnings, prices, finance, agriculture, industry and construction, trade, maritime economy and public safety.