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October 2014

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News from day: 31 October 2014
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Living conditions of the population in Pomorskie Voivodship in the years 2011-2013

The elaboration consists of general and methodological notes, results of surveys – synthesis, statistical tables and charts. The notes present main defi nitions, while the analytical part includes a description of the most important issues characterizing living conditions in Pomorskie Voivodship. The publication is supplemented with graphic presentations. The tabular part includes selected data for Pomorskie Voivodship in the retrospection for years 2011-2013 and for more detailed characteristics of phenomena also in territorial cross-sections and on the background of other voivodships.
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Budgets of local self-government entities in Pomorskie Voivodship in 2013

The publication presents information on revenue and expenditure of the voivodship, powiats, cities with powiat status and gminas, as well as on the sources of revenue and directions for expenditure. Data compiled in the tables show the size and structure of budgets and their variation resulting from different tasks assigned to local government units at different levels of the administrative division.
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