Accessibility statement
The Statistical Office in Gdańsk undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities. This accessibility statement applies to the website of the Statistical Office in Gdańsk.
Publication of the website: 3 June 1995
Last major update: 16 January 2018
The website is partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on Digital Accessibility of Websites and Mobile Applications of Public Entities due to the non-compliance listed below:
- some PDF files are not available digitally (they do not have a correctly marked logical structure or they are scans of documents),
- some of the published infographics do not have an alternative description or an alternative version of the data,
- some of the published photos do not have an alternative description, but they are not used to carry out current tasks.
Preparation of the accessibility declaration:
- Date of preparation of the declaration: 20 September 2020
- Date of the last review of the declaration: 4 February 2025.
The declaration was based on the self-assessment done by a public entity.
Feedback and contact details
In case of any problems with the website accessibility, please contact Ms. Anna Karczewska, . Requests for non-accessible information and complaints concerning lack of accessibility may be submitted to the secretariat of the Office at the following address:
Everyone has the right to request digital accessibility of the indicated element of the website. You may also request that the information to be made available using an alternative means of access, such as reading out a digitally inaccessible document, describing the content of a video/film without an audio description, etc. The request should contain the particulars of the person filing the request, indication of the website which it concerns and contact information. If the person requests to receive information in an alternative form, they should also specify a convenient mode of presenting this information to them.
The Statistical Office in Gdańsk should promptly satisfy the request immediately, no later than within 7 days from the date of the request. If this deadline cannot be met, the public entity will promptly notify the person filing the request about the date when the request can be satisfied, but no later than 2 months from the date of filing the request. If the digital accessibility cannot be ensured, the public entity may offer an alternative method to access the information.
If the public entity refuses to comply with a request for accessibility or an alternative method to access the information, the person making the request may lodge a complaint regarding the provision of digital accessibility to the website, mobile application or an element of the website.
After exhausting the above-mentioned procedure, a complaint may be filed with the Commissioner for Human Rights.
Architectural accessibility
Building: Statistical Office in Gdańsk, ul. Danusi 4, 80-434 Gdańsk
There is one main entrance to the building from ul. Danusi 4. The building is five storeys high.
The main hall is accessible from ul. Danusi 4. There is a ramp for wheelchairs in front of the main entrance. The access to the building is paved, the kerbs are lowered.
The reception desk is opposite the main entrance.
The office building is largely adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. On the ground floor, to the right of the entrance, there is a customer service room, accessed through a door that meets the requirements for a fire door.
The toilet for people with disabilities is located on the ground floor of the main hall, on the left side of the main entrance, behind the reception desk.
There is a designated parking space for people with disabilities in front of the building. There are neither Braille markings in the building, nor contrast or enlarged markings for the blind and visually impaired.
The lift in the building is equipped with a double leaf sliding door and accommodates a wheelchair. The lift is provided with verbal instruction system. In addition, the buttons on the numeric keypad with embossed digits and symbols are easily felt by touch.
There are no thresholds in the building that would hinder moving around in wheelchairs. The doors leading to upper floors of the office are wide enough to enable people with disabilities to move around freely.
Since April 2012, persons experiencing permanent or periodic difficulties in communication (authorised persons) - in accordance with the Act of 19 August 2011 on Sign Language and Other Means of Communication - may use the assistance of a person using sign language in handling the official matters and ask for documents to be prepared and made available in enlarged print.
The authorised persons are requested to notify such intention to the Statistical Office in Gdańsk at least 3 working days before the service provision date (excluding emergency situations) by phone: 58 76 83 130 or mail: The Office will provide services to a person with a disability within the time specified by the person, and if this is not possible, it will set another convenient time.
Building: Statistical Office in Gdańsk, Branch in Chojnice, Plac Niepodległości 7/9, 89-600 Chojnice
The Chojnice branch of the Statistical Office in Gdańsk is located on the second floor of a building managed by "Górski"sp. z o.o. seated in Sopot, ul. Kazimierza Wielkiego 6A/9, 81-780 Sopot.
There are two entrances to the building. One main entrance is located at Plac Niepodległości 7/9, the other entrance is from ul. Wysoka 1. It is a four-storey building with a partial basement.
In front of the building, there is a designated parking space for people with disabilities. There is one step in front of the entrance door leading to the main hall from outside and a wheelchair ramp on the left side. The access to the building is paved. There is another wheelchair ramp from ul. Wysoka 1.
The reception desk is to the left of the main entrance. The building in Chojnice is largely adapted to the needs of people with disabilities.
On the second floor, where the branch office is located, there is a toilet for people with disabilities on the left side of the lift, behind the glass door separating the corridor.
The entrance to the building as well as the passageways (also on the second floor) are wide enough and have no thresholds. The lift is fully adapted to the needs of the disabled, it is equipped with sliding door and verbal information system. In addition, the buttons on the numeric keypad with embossed digits and symbols are easily felt by touch.
There are neither Braille markings in the building, nor contrast or enlarged markings for the blind and visually impaired.
Building: Statistical Office in Gdańsk Branch in Słupsk, ul. Jana Pawła II 1, 76-200 Słupsk
The Słupsk branch of the Statistical Office in Gdańsk is located on the sixth floor of the building of the Regional Office of the Voivodship Office in Gdańsk, branch in Słupsk, managed by Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Mieszkaniowej Sp. z o. o. seated in Słupsk ul. Tuwima 4.
There is one entrance to the building from ul. Jaracza. The building has a basement and seven floors above the ground.
There are parking spaces for people with disabilities in front of the building. A stairway leads to the main hall from outside, a wheelchair ramp is on the left side. The access to the building is paved.
The reception desk is in the main hall, on the right. The building in Słupsk is adapted for persons with special needs (ramp, lift, toilet).
The toilet for people with disabilities is located on the ground floor to the right of the main entrance.
The passageways (also on the sixth floor) are wide enough and have no thresholds. The lift is fully adapted to the needs of the disabled, it has a sliding door and verbal information system. In addition, the buttons on the numeric keypad with embossed digits and symbols are easily felt by touch. The lift is outdated – it is not equipped with voice selection, the buttons are not adapted to be operated by visually impaired or blind people.
There are neither Braille markings in the building, nor contrast or enlarged markings for the blind and visually impaired.